
All listed prices are base prices. Final price may go up depending on complexity of the character.

Head: 3000€

Standard features:
- Two fur colors
- Static jaw
- 2D eyes
- Simple plush teeth
- Flat tongue

Partial: 3600€

- Head
- Handpaws
- Tail

Standard features:
- Two fur colors
- Static jaw
- 2D eyes
- Simple plush teeth
- Flat tongue
- 4-finger handpaws without claws
- Small tail with belt attachment

Halfsuit: 5500€

- Head
- Handpaws
- Sleeves
- Feetpaws
- Pants
- Tail

Standard features:
- Two fur colors
- Static jaw
- 2D eyes
- Simple plush teeth
- Flat tongue
- 4-finger handpaws without claws
- Outdoor feetpaws without claws
- Plantigrade pants
- Small tail with belt attachment

Fullsuit: 5600€

- Head
- Handpaws
- Bodysuit
- Feetpaws
- Tail

Standard features:
- Two fur colors
- Static jaw
- 2D eyes
- Simple plush teeth
- Flat tongue
- 4-finger handpaws without claws
- Plantigrade bodysuit
- Outdoor feetpaws without claws
- Small tail with belt attachment

Bodysuit: 2300€

- Bodysuit
- Feetpaws
- Tail

Standard features:
- Two fur colors
- Plantigrade bodysuit
- Outdoor feetpaws without claws
- Small tail with belt attachment

Special features and additions


- Moving jaw
- Following eyes
- Resin eyes (tear duct vision)
- Magnetic eyelids
- Plush tongue
- Magnetic attachment for tongue
- Big grin or snarl with big teeth
- Horns (sewn or magnetic)
- Hair/mane
- Piercings
- Padded neck
- Fan


- Digitigrade padding
- Dropped crotch
- Additional zippers
- Hidden pockets
- Wings (span 40-100cm)


- Support belt attachment
- Medium: 40-60cm
- Large: 60-100cm
- XL: over 100cm
- Floor dragger: over 100cm (XL tail that doesn't have an articulated support structure and has only stuffing inside)


- Claws
- 4-finger normal or thick pattern (standard)
- 5-finger normal or thick pattern
- Half lined
- Unlined with padding pillows


- Indoors
- Claws
- Outdoor sandals (only for indoor feetpaws)
- Zip-on feet

Information about the costumes


All headbases made by us are individually patterned, carved by hand and fully lined from the inside. Ventilation through the nose and hollow muzzle will allow a good airflow into the head and out. Heads with fur on the neck have a 'slip on hood', if the neck is made from ½ inch fur, fleece or other thinner material, a hidden zipper will be sewn into it by default.


Handpaws can be either half or fully lined, or not be lined at all. Paws without lining will have detachable padding pillows in the fingers. Half lined paws are lined only on the top/back side or the wearer's hand, thus leaving the under/palm side unlined. Elastic fabric is used for the lining to make them comfortable to wear. We do recommend using separate underglowes to avoid getting the paws sweaty if they are used for a long period of time. All handpaw patterns are made by us.


Bodysuits and pants are generally not lined unless they are made of thinner material (such as fleece or minky) or have certain markings that may require an extra layer of fabric. Bodysuits have pockets for digitigrade paddings, so they are easy to remove for storing and cleaning the costume.


Medium, large and XL tails have an articulated support structure that helps it to keep its shape all the while allowing it to move sideways. These tail may not be comfortable while sitting down and you may need to spend some time to get used to wearing one. We can make tails in these sizes without the support structure. However it will affect how the tail settles and behaves while wearing it. Small tails and floor draggers don't have the support structure by default. Tails with belt attachment have a hidden channel going through the tail base for a belt. There will also be embroydered details at the base. XL, floor dragger and heavy large size tails have an additional belt loop sewn on for more support.


Feetpaws are built on lightweight slip-on shoes and are lined from the ankle up. Zip-on feet have zippers sewn on to the body and feet so they can be attached. All feetpaws are individually patterned by us.

Outdoor sandals are detachable soles via straps for indoor feetpaws.